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What to do for a severe burn injury?


What to do for a severe burn injury? First of all, understand that there are essentially four categories of burn injuries. Category number one is a minor superficial burn. If you don’t see any blistering or popping or sloughing of your skin, you probably have a category one burn. For that, you probably could initially treat that just with some cool water, with some antibiotic ointment, avoiding anything that would have oils or bacteria in it and watch it. Categories two, three and four are the more serious burns. In a category two burn for instance, you will see blistering of the skin. In category three burn would involve a deeper burn through the first layer of the skin and so on. This kind of burns can be very, very dangerous if not treated. For this kind of burns, go to a clinic, call 911, get in right away to either a clinic or an emergency room. For the main issue is to make sure you get professional treatment and get it right away. Categories two, three and four are the more serious burns. In a category two burn for instance, you will see blistering of the skin. In category three burn would involve a deeper burn through the first layer of the skin and so on. This kind of burns can be very, very dangerous if not treated. For this kind of burns, go to a clinic, call 911, get in right away to either a clinic or an emergency room. For the main issue is to make sure you get professional treatment and get it right away.

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